I'm just needing a bit of advice today. I'm wondering whether I should take out an AVO on my eldest son.
This is all stemming from an incident yesterday. I ran speed in the morning and didn't quite complete the session. I could feel my butt tightening up so I decided to use the last 10 mins of the running time to stretch - with minimal success. I stretched again later and got quite stern with my unrepentant piriformis with a tennis ball. But I had little luck and by evening it was really bugging me.
I hit up the tennis ball and the roller again and did lots of stretching and that's when Sam walked in. He volunteered to do some myofascial release. 'Great!' I thought. That's what the physio did on me last Friday and it was really successful. So I agreed quite eagerly.
Sam made me lie with the sore side up and he targeted my glutes to start off with.
Ughhh! His fingers are not as kind as Vanessa's. They were like heat-seeking missiles honing in on my sorest bits. He dug in and I tried to relax. Then he found another spot. Yeowwwwww!! There was vocalisation at this point - no swearing, just a guttural moan which seemed to please Sam.
Then it was on to the piriformis. I think this is where a little swear word slipped out. Man it hurt! Not as badly as childbirth but not far off. And his fingers were unrelenting. They would wait for the pain to ease off and then be off to their next site. I think there was a good amount of pay-back for all the times I'd annoyed or embarrassed him and not enough consideration for the times when I'd cared for, proof-read for, cooked for, cheered for and generally been "the best Mum in the world" to.
Finally he got to my hip flexor. And that's when I found out that a muscle can be in pain and ticklish all at the same time. I was laughing and crying and that totally set Sam off. He started laughing and with every chuckle he seemed to press harder and that's when I knew that he had a seriously sadistic side.
Today I am bruised. I'm sure I can see all the loops and whorls of his fingerprints tattooed into my hips and glutes. There will be no running today - and tomorrow it's back to the physio. At least she has no grudges against me.
Ha, ha, ha!! I'm sure once the bruising subsides you'll appreciate that massage a little more... :)
ReplyDeleteAt least your son did it...mine would be like, "No way!!!" Haha. Hope the physio has her magical potion for ya again!!
ReplyDeleteI can't even begin to imagine how that felt! Hope it feels better!
ReplyDeleteWhat were you thinking??? :-)
ReplyDeleteLuckily my son is only 10 years old and still feels like a hero to do anything for me. And of course he would never hurt me...not yet.
ReplyDeleteYour son is sure you'll feel better soon :)
ReplyDeleteOh no! Well, at least your son is willing to touch your butt - none of my three would be willing to do that. I'm going to have to find someone else to change my diapers when I'm an old lady!
ReplyDeleteThat's like having a FREE live-in physio!!!
ReplyDeleteNow my children live in their own houses and if I have a problem my wife says: "Call the physio"! No help at home.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon.
That's pretty funny, but I bet it actually did help! Hope you are feeling much better now!