It was the Park to Park out at Ipswich (only 30 mins drive away) and the Galeforce Running Squad is a major organizer of the event so quite a few of us wanted to support it. And with so many of the squad going, there was good reason to bake up a storm. I'd decided to do the 5k because the course is a nightmare of hills. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome event that's so much fun to be a part of but the course is just one hill after the other - and we all know how I feel about hills.
At this point I must say that yesterday I ran a 20k LSD which ended up not being as S as I was planning. I got in with the 'wrong crowd' and succumbed to peer group pressure and we negative-splitted that baby. And it was a hilly run. When one of the roads you run along is called Hillside Terrace you know that there is going to be some uphill pain involved. So this was why I wasn't planning on racing. I did what I could to recover - ate well, rehydrated, compressed and had a 2 hour afternoon nap but I could feel some fatigue in my legs when I creaked out of bed this morning. (and I don't mean creep. Creak was the sound of my body getting from horizontal to vertical)
What I like about this event is that it's smaller and friendly. I got there an hour before the start and had no trouble finding a park on the road about 100m from the start line. I picked up my race kit, found friends, went to the loo and dumped my gear in the baggage area. Then we were off.
It's 100m flat and then the first hill. And it's a beauty! About a 700m incline - not terribly steep but it does get your heart going. Finally it flattened a little and we hit the 1k marker and then it was up again before I'd quite caught my breath. At about the 1500m mark we finally got a decent downhill where I could catch up a bit of the time lost on the up. My first k was 5:08 at the marker and my second k was just under 5:00. But there was no rest for the wicked. The third k had a few short, sharp ups and downs and my watch clicked over at 5:06. And then we hit the Mother-of-all-that-is-unholy hills. Again, it wasn't monstrously steep but it went on and on and on. I was getting slower and slower but then we hit the top and I could hear the announcer at the finish line and I knew I only had 1k to run. My last k was my fastest and I crossed the line feeling a bit worse for wear in 25:22
My immediate reaction was disappointment. It was 1 min 20 slower than last time I ran it 2 years ago BUT that was before overtraining and I hadn't run 20k the day before so I convinced myself that it was very respectable. I finished in the top 5% of ladies and 5th in my age group (which was one of the most competitive)
And then I got to bask in the glow of cupcake-friendship, eat stuff that's probably not the best recovery food and sip a cappuccino in the warm Winter sun.

So glad I made the effort.
You ran a good race! 5th in your is good considering that you had run 20 km the day before.
ReplyDeleteIn the scheme of things you had a solid race - especially since it was more of a training run than a race.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely take a cupcake for recovery! Negative split ... yes!!!
ReplyDeleteNice work, Char! I like how your "S" was not so "S". Hate when that happens! Sounds like a perfect morning.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no reason to feel bad about your time - it is not too shabby at all, considering what you did the day before!
ReplyDeleteCupcakes! I bet everyone loved you.
ReplyDeleteI think you did great after that hard workout the day before.
Indeed it was a very good performance. A hilly race the day after the 20 km workout is not easy! But you did great.
ReplyDeleteChar - don't feel guilty! I feel the same way though when I read about your running workouts with your coach - like I'm a slacker with my running! The reality is, I guess, that sometimes we really work our butts off and sometimes we...don't. Right? :-))
ReplyDeletetraining race/run with a negative split . . . freaking love that!
i love when you get to run with 0 pressure in a race, I think sometimes that helps us run even better!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely respectable! Remember - you were not racing! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteThat is more than respectable! Well done! Well done with that 20k as well. Hills, you'll still love them one day.