Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Aftermath

It's been over 24 hours since I last had a fever, threw up or had to take paracetamol so I think I'm getting better. Little cheer - yay!

I am a terrible patient because I have no patience being sick. Someone commented to me that they'd love to have the chance to just lie around and watch DVDs all day. Unfortunately having the flu means that you can't even be bothered getting out of bed to move to a room with a TV in it. Let alone go out and hire DVDs. Yes, I know I went out and did the grocery shopping - but that was different. And you can't expect me to be logical about why when I've been sick.

And as for all the junk food that I bought in my fever-fuelled shopping binge, it's still waiting to hijack me in a weak moment in my pantry. All except for that packet of jellybeans that I tried valiantly to enjoy and on both attempts failed miserably, wishing them a bon voyage down the toilet. I won't be looking covetously at jellybeans for quite some time.

Today was supposed to be the first day back on a program for my running. I had to text Coach Chris on Saturday to say not to bother. I feel like I'm going to have to start all over with my running - building up again. I'm pretty sure that it won't take too long this time but it's disappointing non-the-less after spending the last six months working up to where I was. Last week my plans were to run the speed session on Tuesday, a flat 14k into the city on Thursday, the group 12k on Saturday and another 10+ on Sunday. My week ended up with a speed session on Tuesday and a slow 200m walk around the shopping centre on Friday. But that's been my whole year - I make plans and can't follow through on them. And it's not even bothering me any more. I just go with the flow.

But it's not all been bad - being sick. I've had lots of TLC from Toby. He's snuggled next to me to share his body heat. 

He's kept my spot warm for me when ever I had to get up to go to the loo.

He helped keep Bubbles under control.

Going to extremes when she was feeling particularly disruptive.

And he's gone to get the newspaper for me every day so I didn't have to miss out on any news.

Am I a besotted puppy-owner? 


  1. With my Wife in hospital I've been taking pictures and videos of the puppies (not that they are puppies any more) and taking them for her to see...

  2. that is very cool. I tried to teach Lucy how to do that but once she got the actual paper, she would run away with it.

  3. Hope you are feeling much better now. I hate being sick and so far this year I haven't had it too bad but did miss a race because of a bad chest cold and cough. You know Spiral our dog...the one that ripped our couch to pieces... Guess what he does with the news papaer...:)

  4. OMG, he's so darn cute! He just seems so happy and sweet!

    I'm glad you're feeling better, and I hope you can get back on track with running soon :)

  5. Glad you're felling better. For what it's worth, havin a cold really took it out of my running recently, and it's taken a long time to get back to fitness. Take it easy and don;t overdo it (but I know you know that...)

  6. I have no patience for feeling sick either. But that's mostly because I feel as if there's no room for me to be sick. Everything must go on, and that's awful when you're feeling bad. So I'm impatient to feel better.

  7. Glad you're feeling better. Take care! I Hope you'll enjoy your running plans soon.

    I have seen your question on my blog about the International flag:
    I've just sent the International running flag of friendship to Christina. There are eight flags on it: 1 Australia, 2 USA, 2 South Africa, 1 Canada, 1 Quebec and 1 Italy.

  8. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather - hope it's better now. And my goodness - I've not seen your blog in a while and Toby is getting enormous!!! Love the pic of him sitting on Bubbles - could it be someone is taking over the alpha dog role???

  9. The absolute worst feeling in the world is nausea...... Sorry you had to go through that. Glad to hear you're on the mend!

    I LOVE Toby. There is truely something special about Goldens. I may be a tad biased..... I've had my baby girl for 12 years!

  10. I am way behind on posts, but so sorry to see that you were sick - seems like you had a much worse case than mine. :(

    Toby is PRECIOUS! Certainly looks like a good companion for the sickly. What a good little boy fetching the paper too!

  11. You were sick for awhile. Glad you are on the mend.

    And of course you are a besotted puppy owner. Toby is so cute it is unreal.

  12. OMG Toby is the cutest, cutest, cutest ever!
    So sorry you were so sick. Flu drains the heck out of me. Take your time building back up to your usual splendour!

  13. OMGoodness!!! Toby just melted my heart with that video :) what a cutie!!!!! like he can get the paper!!!!! I thought that was only in movies. I love it :P now you've gotta teach him to give it back to you ;)

    I am sorry you have been ill. I hope toby cuddles and his awesome cat-watching, seat warming skills are helping :D


  14. It's great to hear you are feeling better. Take care! I hope you'll enjoy your running plan soon.

    Beautiful photos of Toby!
    Have a nice weekend!


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