Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Keeping My Fingers Crossed

Three days till I run my tenth 10k at Gold Coast.

I've been quite happy with the way I've been running lately. I've been doing a bit more faster stuff. Pushing myself into that hurt zone on shorter runs and finishing my longer runs with a few fast kilometres. It's been confidence-building that there's a little bit of speed left in the old girl, Certainly not the speed I had five years ago but I'm happy with it.

My goal is simple. To run under 50 minutes. Because that's the group that I've seeded myself in and I don't want to make myself a liar. (Not that anyone will care apart from myself.) And after my latest runs I was pretty sure that I could. My 16k run ten days ago - ran the last 8k at sub-5k pace. My 19k run on Saturday - the last 6k were sub-5.

Notice the word WAS in that last paragraph? It should have been an AM. And it would have been an am if I hadn't noticed a tickle in my throat last night. I just thought it was a bit of phlegm that needed clearing. But it needed clearing again and again and again. I dosed myself with zinc and vitamin c and told myself to ignore it. Then woke up coughing in the middle of the night - yep, it's dry and sore.

I skipped this morning's run. I decided the last thing that my throat needed was to be exposed to 5 degree cold, dry air. I may do that run tomorrow morning but will make the call on that closer to the time. If I miss it it's not going to really matter.

My plan is to stay warm, drink lots of hot tea and keep up the zinc and vitamin c if only for their placebo effects. And to keep my fingers crossed. I'm not actually feeling ill so that's a plus.

All those good training runs. All those early mornings. All those high hopes derailed (hopefully temporarily) by breathing in germ-filled air.

If it sounds like I'm disappointed - well, I'm really not. I've been running long enough to know that anything can happen on the day and there will always be other events if this one doesn't go the way I want. But I will be disappointed if the sore throat gets in the way of a fun weekend. Running's only part of the reason that I run.


  1. Sending all the well wishes I have your way that the sore throat goes away and that you feel 100% for your race!!!

  2. It's your golden 10k (like golden birthday, but not) - 10k on the 10th; no way that trickle in your throat can stay on race day...it's more so just forcing you to rest and be really race ready!

  3. Ah, hoping for the very best for you Char!

  4. Good luck on your race and I hope you are warm, healthy and have fun!

  5. I guessing 47:52... go big or go home...

    Good Luck

  6. You go you fine thing, and bugger off all you nasty germs!

  7. Good luck! I hope that throat thing blows over soon! Wouldn't want it to ruin the weekend.

  8. Go kill that 10k and show me how it's done. Fingers crossed I too will find my running mojo someday soon. Feel better!

  9. Left a comment but it disappeared. I said not to stress and to have fun.

    But this time I'll add - I think you should wear a tutu skirt! :-)

  10. Heal up quickly! But don't worry, we'll be out cheering like crazy whether you finish first or last. As long as we can find you. Maybe you can run with one of those little orange flags on you, like they have on the kiddo grocery carts (at least in the US)? This way, we'll be SURE to spot you! =)

  11. Good luck on your race! I hope you'll enjoy it.

  12. Hope you feel better already and that you have a great race and lots of fun.

  13. Get well so you have a FUN weekend!

  14. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

  15. Ooh, good luck!! I'm also racing this weekend, but obviously in a different time zone... Will think of you at some point!

  16. germs go away!!! not only am I paranoid of every little germ when I'm about to race, but I'm also a compulsive weather checker too. good luck!!


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