I'm sitting here typing with my leg resting on the desk (very lady-like) and an ice-pack on my knee. Today was my third day running some form of hill in a row and my left knee is not happy. It's not really bad and didn't hurt at all when I was running but I can feel it and I'd rather not feel it so the ice-pack is precautionary.
Yesterday Coach Chris threw in a special session. It was a mystery session where we only found out the meeting place at 9 pm (via text) the night before. We knew the start time and the length of the session but not what it was going to involve. Boy did he have a doozy for us.
The suburb where I live is really hilly so that's where CC chose to run. He picked out two of the gnarliest hills he could find and made us run reps up them. One of the streets, Gower Street, is rumoured to be the steepest hill in Brisbane. He had us run that one 5 times. And by run I mean run until you can't run any more and walk the rest of the way. I managed to get to the top (very slowly) 4 times out of the 5 but on the last rep one of the walkers passed me, I was running so slowly.
Gower Street is in a residential area and while we were running it a man was packing up his utility for his day's work. I can only imagine what was going through his head. I'm sure he was questioning our collective sanity - I certainly was.
The other hill, Miskin Street, we only had to run up three times. And we had a cheer squad (a rowdy group that I think hadn't been to bed yet) to give us lots of encouragement. It somehow made it easier to run.
Today's session was hills, which seemed a little superfluous after running hills the previous two days. My legs weren't happy. I could feel the remnants of yesterday's session weighing them down but I put my head down and tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Thank goodness there's two days of rest until I have to run again. The next run is another mystery run - can't wait! (disclaimer - please note the heavy use of sarcasm)
I think CC is giving us a kick start into 2011. Personally, I'm looking forward to a much more positive running year. I'm starting at a healthier level. I've learnt about resting being a fundamental part of training. I've now seen a kinesiologist to get some help with the nutritional side of things. He's put me on some specific vitamins and minerals to help with recovery. (I'm not a big believer in alternative medicine but my sister swears by him so I've decided to open my mind and give it a go) And I've sorted my first race of 2011 - the 9th of January (yes, next week) I'll be running a half marathon from the Cadbury chocolate factory in Hobart, Tasmania. When we finish we get a sample bag - yay!