Sunday, December 6, 2015

Where Did That Week Go?

Busy, busy, busy.

In fact so busy that it's been hard to find the time to sit down and put pen to paper. Or finger to keyboard.

First there was this ...
Birthday cakes

Then there was this ...
Check out the ring finger. Yes - I'm going to be a mother-in-law!!
Then these two came home ...
Twelve weeks in Europe are done and dusted
Then there was this ...
Pre-wedding Run
Followed by the main event ...

Jodi, one of my favourite all-time people and running-buddy-extraordinaire, got hitched.

Dayne's okay too :-)
And in amongst that I had a little bit of businessing to do.

Labels done

And photo shoot done - this is NOT one of the professional shots
And now it's Monday and it starts again. I think I need a double shot in my coffee today.


  1. Oh Char - how exciting - so much happening - congrats on your son's engagement, and getting sh*t done on the business front. Very impressive. Go you!

  2. RUN AMOK! LOVE IT :) (See I'm yelling in CAPITALS!!!)

  3. Goodness, what a week! Congrats on the happy news and the businessing!

  4. How exciting.An engagement! Lovely. I'd love that to happen in my family :)

  5. But what a fun week it has been for you.

    Congratulations on the happy news. Guess you have to practice wedding cakes now?

  6. Ahhh that is a great week of being busy! All positive and awesome things happening. I hope you will take a break sometime soon...?

  7. This is some really great information!!!! thank you so much, very enlightening!

  8. Congratulations on all fronts!!!. Love the label!!!!

  9. Just catching up here. What a busy time you've had of it. Those cakes are AMAZING! Love the pre-wedding run, and you're going to be a mother-in-law, how wonderful. It's all happening, especially with your tights. Still got to work on you for the cow print tops though!! ;-)

  10. I love this blog because it is user friendly with appreciative information.looks like she is having so much fun.It’s always helpful to read through articles from other authors and practice a little something from their websites.

  11. I was reading about this awhile ago. It is extremely interesting & seems very promising. After more research & information becomes available hopefully it can be proven effective. That would be amazing.


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