What's with the crazy weather?!! Two days ago, still in the middle of Winter, I was walking around in shorts and a t-shirt. My long run was completed with a good lather of sweat and wearing a singlet. Today it's been blowing a gale - an icy gale - and this morning's run was in a long-sleeve top and gloves.
I've been struggling for sleep over the last week. Some of that's because of worry. Some is because I am not nocturnal, unlike my rather loud sons. And some of it is because of my elderly dalmatian. His bladder just doesn't seem to hold as much as it did or he's possibly suffering from that condition that many old men get - prostatic enlargement. Lately he's been waking me up at the ungodly hour of 3:00 am to let him out and try as I might I just can't get back to sleep.
Yesterday I dragged through the day on only four and a half hours and, of course, the major medical story on the news was sleep-related. Seems like I'm headed for heart disease and other nasties if I don't get a good 7 hours. So last night I took action. I can totally swear by ear plugs! I had a solid seven and today felt amazing. Iven, however, got the 3:00 am wake-up whine. Now I've got a dilemma. Ear plugs tonight? Or be kind to my husband?
My dogs are pulling the same middle-of-the-night trick! Makes me nuts! Glad you got some sleep!
ReplyDeleteI say, if he can get back to sleep easily, then go with earplugs :)
ReplyDeleteIf not, then alternate!
My husband deals with the cats and letting them out. I just don't hear it. Works for me! He gets BACK to sleep easier than I do.
ReplyDeleteI do the dog thing every night. Luckily I fall asleep immediately but maybe that’s because I’m so tired of all the lack of sleep… I get 6 hours max and that’s not more than two nights a week.
ReplyDeleteEarplugs! Love 'em. I wear them to bed every single night.
ReplyDeleteI do NOT function well on less than 7h of sleep... I prefer to get 8 but it's just not possible when I am running before 5AM.
ReplyDeleteHope you can catch upm on your Zzzz's!
Hmmm, apparently your dog and I are on the same schedule! :-) I can't remember the last time I slept through the night without having to get up and go the bathroom. Luckily, I go back to sleep quickly most of the time (which is why I am also the one who gets up with the kids, cat and dog in the night, too). Good thinking with the earplugs, you definitely need the sleep!
ReplyDeleteSaved my marriage - I swear it! ;)
I am addicted to ear plugs but the foam ones don't cut out my hubby's snoring...not even close. I use the bad boys; huge clumps of ear plug wax. I can't hear one thing...sometimes not even the alarm!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feeling more at peace about your son, I've been thinking about you(and him)!